
Phil 298 Special Studies counts as the M.A. project course. We offer two plans for completing the M.A. Project Course.

Reading Intensive Plan

The Reading Intensive plan is particularly appropriate for students who are pursuing the M.A. for personal enrichment. This plan is also favored by those who wish to focus on writing a publishable paper or a writing sample for their application to a Ph.D. program. 

Applied Philosophy Project Plan

The Applied Philosophy Project plan fits well with the concept of San Jose State as a metropolitan university. It connects philosophy in a systematic manner to professional life in Silicon Valley. Students who follow this plan frequently come from the community to reflect, in a sustained and rigorous way, on the ethical, social, epistemological, or metaphysical aspects human endeavor, whether in their professional, civic, or personal lives. Then, they return to the community with an enriched perspective, a firm commitment to philosophy, and stronger ties to San Jose State.

Past projects have included development of philosophical curricula for non-traditional audiences — philosophy for children, philosophy for senior citizens, ethics for fire fighters, philosophy for the public.

Future projects could range from doing experimental philosophy, to structuring debates or dialogues, to building a philosophical toolbox for a particular profession or population or problem, to probing how philosophy might help people address a social or political challenge.

M.A. students can complete an applied project in partial fulfillment of degree requirements.

Undergraduates may also be able to earn course credit for an applied project. (Speak with an advisor about this if you’re interested.)