Specialized Courses

CMPE 256 - Web and Big Data Mining 

  • Data mining and machine learning algorithms and applications for large amounts of data. Information retrieval and search engines, social network analysis, link analysis, 和排名. Web personalization, recommender systems, opinion mining and sentiment analysis, and advanced topics.

CMPE 257 - Machine Learning

  • Machine learning concepts, feasibility and learning types, theory of generalization, bias and variance, linear models for classification and regression, nonlinear transformation, regularization and validation, kernel methods, radial basis functions, support vector machines, ensemble methods, neural networks, and hands-on projects.

CMPE 260 - Reinforcement Learning 

  • Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). 主题包括 RL formalism, Markov decision process, Deep Q-Network, and reinforcement learning programming platforms. Also covered are relevant applications of RL in various fields.